Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It's that time of year again! First I started to make a list of all the things I'm thankful for - something I've done every thanksgiving for the past few years. But then I realized that every year my list is basically the same. I might add a few things or not care so much about others from year to year but the core of the list is always the same: friends, family, my health, etc... My list is also always really long. I seem to be thankful for a lot of things in my life. So this year instead of blogging my entire list of what I'm thankful for I'm going to say just this: I am thankful that I have things to be thankful for.

Happy thanksgiving everyone.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lets play life

I've recently come to the conclusion that you never know what's going to happen. This is interesting to me and seems to be problematic. We as people, trying to maintain organized and well thought out lifestyles, tend to plan (or at least I do) what our future is going to look like. We sort of make a game board for ourselves. We know where the start is and we imagine the finish line. We know that there will be hurtles in between that we will have to cross and so we create them in our imagination and plan how we will get past them with ease. We assume that every time we roll the dice we will get a five or a six and will be able to move that many spaces. No problem. Piece of cake. Well that isn't always the case. Sometimes you get rolled a one or a two, which slows you down on your journey across the board. And even worse, sometimes you'll pick up a card that says "go back three spaces and skip your next turn." These are the types of problems we don't prepare for when imagining our board game of life. But it's what keeps us sane. It gives us a sense of stability, a false sense of stability, but a sense none the less. How would we be able to go through life if all we ever thought about was what could possibly go wrong? It just sucks a little bit when you're reminded that life doesn't always go according to plan.