A random nuance I noticed while watching it today: the killer and Buchul are basically wearing the same leather jacket. Only the killer's is a little big longer. They're also both wearing hoods, except the killer has his hood on and Buchul leaves it off for the entire film, but he does have a black hood on. They're the only main characters in the film to wear leather jackets because they want to. Gonzol and his crew wear leather, but those jackets are part of the new uniform, and they're much shorter.
The movie went by really quick. The first time I was watching it, it seemed like it dragged on forever and that there were so many more scenes in between all the big plot twists. But watching it again today, I realized that every single scene has to be in the movie. It is one big scene after another after another. The movie actually moves forwards like the speeding midnight express train, without stopping at any of the stops. I didn't realize how quickly the killer comes into the movie. I had thought that we didn't see him until halfway through. But he's actually introduced right at the beginning..within the first 20 minutes or so?
The scene when Buchul is trashing the bathroom right after Bootsie gets pushed supports the theory that Buchul is the pusher. He's looking into the mirror as if he's trying to look into himself to try and find the evil that's causing him to murder. Even if Buchul isn't physically the killer, even if it's just a symbolic connection, it would still support that he's looking deep into the other side of himself. The Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde of his personality.
Fashion is something that goes in one year and out the other.