Friday, January 29, 2010

Giving thanks - way over due

I find it unbelievable how hard it is to be truly thankful for our health. We all take it for granted. On thanksgiving we say "oh yeah, I'm thankful that I'm healthy..." among other things that we're thankful for, but I'm starting to think that maybe we don't really get it. We really don't know what we've got until it's gone. We all go about our days doing what we have to do and not once does it ever cross our minds that maybe we'll wake up tomorrow and something will have gone wrong on the inside.

I didn't feel well the other day, but I took Tylenol, got some extra sleep, and woke up the next day almost in perfect health. It was pretty simple and easy to fix. But sometimes peoples bodies break down so badly that Tylenol and rest isn't enough. It can happen to anybody and yet we're all so carefree, living our lives like we're untouchable.

Not only do I think we should be more thankful for our health, but also for everything that we can do because we are healthy. To be thankful that we can go out, stay up late at night, even go to school. It's a really hard concept to grasp, but I suddenly feel like it's so important and necessary that we do. To just try and enjoy every single moment of our lives no matter what annoying tests we have to study for. Because it's so much better than being ill. To get every single thing out of being healthy - to almost suck the joy out of it and thrive off of it.

1 comment:

  1. I love this so much you don't even know. You are truly awesome for recognizing all of this
