Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow day entertainment

Last night it was blizzarding outside and my family was keeping warm in our flannel PJs with the heat turned up. I had passed out from exhaustion for about an hour, when I woke up to chaotic noise. The house next door has a lot of really tall trees in their backyard and so telephone wires and other electrical wires run through the trees. Well the weight of the snow was putting so much pressure on one of the wires, that it started to spark. It sounded and looked like our neighbors were putting on a fireworks display in their backyard. And apparently, while I was sleeping one of the sparks started a flame and the tree caught fire for a few seconds, but the snow stopped it from being anything serious. My parents called the fire department when this happened and they came. There was a man outside in the middle of this blizzard in just a t-shirt. And a dog. And 3 huge firetrucks. My Mom whose a bit of a worrier when it comes to stuff like this asked one of the firemen what we should do and he was like "just don't go in your backyard." Then she asked him if we had to leave and he laughed at her with "no you don't have to evacuate." I found this hylarious.

When all that finally died down I practiced my songs and monologues and the whole entire family watched. It was great. My Mom and sister can always give constructive criticism but my Dad's the best. He's like my own personal cheerleader. I think of my Mom and Dad as perfect opposites. They both tell me that they're proud of me, but my Dad is really good at boosting my ego, and my Mom is really good at giving me the reality check and making sure my ego stays in check. I thank them for supporting me and giving me confidence, but making sure I don't get out on control and stay human about this whole thing.

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