Monday, September 13, 2010

A quicky

Today when I was reading a book for my acting class I came upon the following quote:

"Energy is your zest for working, playing, loving - living. It is the biological power or force within you - your physical capacity for living and your mental attitude toward your capacity for living. In practical terms, you have "energy" if you can get through your working day with enough resources to meet unexpected demands, and still enjoy life" -Charles Kuntzleman

There have been so many things that I've learned or thought about within the past week that I would say "OH I gotta blog about this." But with the hectic schedule of a musical theater major, I haven't had time to sit down and blog while the inspiration is hot. So now, when I do have a few minutes to sit and type my thoughts I'm not as passionate about blogging all my new discoveries.

Acting class is great. We breathe and everyone is discovering and finding new really cool things about their bodies. The voice is a physical thing. And the best way of warming up your voice is by warming up your body. Some of you singers out there might find this hard to believe but it's true. I've felt the proof of it during class. This isn't to say that lip trills or scales aren't valuable. They are extremely helpful. But that's only 30% of a good vocal warm up. The rest is in your body. I would write more but I have to call my parents =)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that quote! So glad to hear that college is nothing less than awesome for you! Keep blogging (when ya can!) miss you!
