Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wagner mainstage debut

Today I was cast in my first main stage show at Wagner. I will be in the dance ensemble of "My Fair Lady" next semester. Besides being extremely excited to be making my Wagner main stage debut, I also felt honored and proud of myself. When I called my Mom and Dad they both started crying because they were so proud of me.

One thing I've learned this past year is how well I deal with rejection. I was not cast in any departmental productions for my freshman year (although I did get two callbacks) and I auditioned for a lot of summer stock companies (again getting many callbacks) but no job offers. Not once though did I question if this is really what I want to be doing. I continued to have confidence in myself and I continued to love what I do and I continued to be so thankful that I am able to study and train and learn about my craft at school. I focused on my classes and have come so far these past two semesters. I am proud of my work, my dedication, and my focus. And that has lead me to this opportunity of getting to work on a beautiful musical and dance the original Broadway choreography (which I am so excited to learn next fall).

If you want to be in this business you have to have a craving for it. You have to be in love with the work and you have to want it. And I mean really want it. "My Fair Lady" will open in November and run through until the beginning of December and I just cannot wait to start rehearsals for it. Well I know what I'm doing this summer: research, research, research about the time period, the place, and getting to know the show like the back of my hand.

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