Saturday, December 31, 2011

A look ahead at 2012

Lately I've been going through a phase where I'll be in a mood, I'll want to blog about it, but then the minute I sit down to start writing my fingers can't seem to find their way across my keyboard. And so I haven't been blogging. Not about anything and that's sort of a shame because I like blogging and I find it helpful . I have no idea who is reading this, or if anybody is reading this at all, but I like doing it anyway. I think the reason why this has been happening to me is because I'm afraid of showing an imperfection, an area of vulnerability, nervous to be a real human being with real human feelings that aren't always pleasant. This has always sort of been a challenge for me and I've gotten less perfect over time but whenever I think about blogging I think I have to be perfect again. For some odd reason I think that I should only be writing about my accomplishments, things I have to be proud of, things that make me happy and giddy. But that's the opposite of what a blog is for, in my opinion. I'm always so impressed and interested by people who blog deep things, disturbing things, uncomfortable things. When people blog about happy daisies all the time I think "good for you" and that's all. I think it takes more guts, more confidence, and bravery to blog about the things I've been wanting to blog about but haven't. So I'm going to try and do that with this new year. If I think to myself "I should blog about this" I will. I won't wait until I'm not hot blooded anymore, I'll write while I'm boiling. It'll be more interesting to read (probably) and will feel more satisfying.

I also want to try and stop this jealousy thing I have going on. It's really annoying and it goes something like this: if a close friend of mine or if somebody I care about has success or happiness or goodness in their lives I'm happy for them and I celebrate for them. But if some acquaintance of mine comes across similar success, happiness, or goodness, I stalk his or her Facebook and get jealous of whatever they're celebrating. It doesn't make sense to me and I don't know why I do it. Especially if said person is not a significant part of my life at all, it shouldn't make a difference to me because it doesn't effect me in any way.

I also want to be a better girlfriend and a better friend. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my own little world of me that I feel disconnected from the people I love. It's not like I'm selfishly pushing people away. In high school I discovered that my theater work always comes first over social life and I realized I was okay with that. I have rehearsal, I have to practice, I have to do my academic homework now because I won't have time to do it later, I have to sleep because I have a lot of work or practicing or rehearsals tomorrow. That type of stuff. And I love it. But I think I might need to come out of my little bubble and find more of a balance. I want to be a better friend, more available, more open. And I want to be a better girlfriend to a boy who deserves it more than anything.

Hmmm... that's all for now.