Friday, May 11, 2012


Summer! I came home yesterday, making today my first official day of summer vacation. I've been waiting for this day for a while and now that it's finally here I can't believe it. I can't believe I survived this semester. I can't believe sophomore year is over. I can't believe I'm now considered a junior. And I can't believe what this summer has in store for me.

Was it hard to say goodbye to my friends for the summer? A little. But I also know that I'll be seeing them back at school in 3 1/2 months, and I might even get to see a few during these next five weeks while I'm home. Saying goodbye to everybody was a lot easier this year than it was last year. That's the sentimentality after freshman year. As a freshman, you think you're never going to see these people again, that it's going to be impossible to live without your college friends for 3 1/2 months. As a sophomore, I know that while summer vacation is long, it goes by relatively quickly. Yes I'll miss my friends, but I also know that I'll have fun at home, and I have a lot of summer fun to look forward to.

So the first 5 weeks I'll be home, except the week that i'll be on vacation in Florida with my Aunt and Uncle. I'll be spending these 5 weeks resting, unpacking, organizing for next year, taking classes, and enjoying summer. As of right now I'm not making a schedule for myself because I've been on such a strict one for the past 5 months - I need to enjoy a little freedom.

I'll be spending the later part of the summer at The Booth Theater in Maine. I'm really excited because I have lots of friends who have worked there before and they all say that they had the time of their lives. I'll also be working alongside some Wagner College Theater kids, which will be really fun. The difficult part will be saying goodbye to my boyfriend for 10 weeks, but I have faith in us. I'm excited for the beautiful summer town, the lobster, and the opportunity to play Luisa in The Fantasticks. It's been a dream role of mine ever since I saw it for the first time 4 or 5 years ago.

But for right now, I need to spend time with my family, see Michael as often as I can, get ready to enjoy my vacation week in Florida, and nurse my stomach back to health. It's been causing problems for a week and a half now. I'm not going to go into the details of my medical issues but my body deals with stress in a very specific way. It sucks but hopefully I can get things under control over the next few days.

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