Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Today I followed a student at Wagner College. I got to sit in on two classes - one of them was acting 4, which is a junior acting class. They're working on scenes and two groups were presenting their scenes today. I was able to do the warm ups with the rest of the class and then I got to observe. The work was really impressive and extremely mature. For prep, they did some of the same repetition exercises that we did in Jim Bonney's workshop! I was like, "Oh, I've done that!" Haha, it was cool.

And I have decided - I'm going to Wagner!!! Theater performance major (which is just a fancy way of saying musical theater) I'm so excited. And I cannot believe how easy it was to make this decision - I thought it was going to be a lot harder. I've already started talking to kids on facebook who are going to Wagner next year. Everyone is really friendly and nice. I feel like I kind of already have one foot out the door.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I know a voice teacher there who's excellent. Looking for a recommendation? I think Tam knows people there as well.
