Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thank god for time management =]

I did it! I survived spring break.. well more than survived I had fun. I didn't have any time to rest, or relax but I did get all my home work done that I needed to get done and hung out with friends. It's times like these when I am completely amazed at myself. Thank god for good time management skills. I really don't know where they came from. My parents don't have them, but for some strange reason I was born with them. And for that I am very happy!

In 4 weeks I will have decided where I'm going to school next year! Right now it's between Wagner, Muhlenberg, and Cortland. But Montclair still hasn't gotten back to me so it's hard to crack down on making this decision until I know if that school is going to be in the running or not. It's either yes or no, pretty simple.
In 5 1/2 weeks I will be all done with AP classes! Now THIS is exciting. Most of my homework comes from my two AP classes and without those classes I know I'll have a lot less to worry about. That's not saying that I wont have anything - I'll still have my Quest project and Pig paper but that doesn't compare to the workload from those two classes combined. I'll also have 2 or 3 periods off depending on if it's a blue or silver day which is the most off periods I've ever had in high school!

Right now life is good and I'm grateful.


  1. What is your Quest project going to be?

  2. raise money for the american cancer society. so it would be composed of various mini projects to reach that goal
